Submit Design Information for Your Project
After placing an order (see How to Place an Order), you’ll need to add design information so that your project can proceed.
Design information: The team needs your design information to create the products in your order. Since work can begin on your project only when we receive your design information, it’s important that you submit it soon.
To add your design information to your project, begin by locating your project on the Dashboard, and clicking the Add Design Info button.
In the Design Info tab, you’ll need to make a number of choices for each of the following:
Floor Plans
Interior Finishes
Windows and Patios
Furniture Collection
Your Design Info form may be different: The example below uses the Standard 3D Floor Plans product to explain how to submit design information. Keep in mind that each of our products has different information requirements. Because of this, your form may look different, and you may need to submit different information. Simply follow the instructions that you see in the form.
The figure below is an example of what appears on the Design Info tab.
Floor Plans
Provide your floor plans using one of two methods. To increase design accuracy, it’s important to include room dimensions.
NOTE: If only some of the floor plans that you attach are necessary, please list the plans that should be designed in the Design Notes field below to avoid delays.
Choose to provide files from either:
Website or cloud storage — Paste the link that provides access to your website or the cloud storage folder containing your files.
Attach files — Click this option and then drag-and-drop your files onto the panel. Or, click the Browse button and locate the files on your computer disk.
Interior Finishes
There are several methods for submitting your interior finishes. It’s important to include finish references for all flooring, cabinets, counters, appliances, and any additional details that you include in your plan files.
If you do not have finish reference files, choose the Material Selector option and complete form given in the link as soon as possible.
Choose to provide files from either:
Website or cloud storage — Paste the link that provides access to your website or the cloud storage folder containing your files.
Attach pictures or files — Click this option and then drag-and-drop your finish files onto the panel. Or, click the Browse button and locate the files on your computer disk.
Material Selector — Choose this option if you don’t have finish reference files. Complete the form given in the link.
Use Identical Finishes from a Previous Project — If you’ve already submitted finish files in another project that you want to use here, click this option and enter the name of that project.
Furniture Collection
There are a number of options for choosing furniture for your 3D Floor Plan:
Residential Furniture — Choose this option if you want the project team to add residential furniture. Click the Select Furniture button, check the green box to choose the furniture that you want to appear in your new plan, and then click Save Changes to close the popup window.
Student Furniture — Choose this option if you want the project team to add student furniture. Click the Select Furniture button, check the green box to choose the furniture that you want to appear in your new plan, and then click Save Changes to close the popup window.
Chosen in Material Selector — Click this option if you’ve chosen furniture in the Material Selector (see the Interior Finishes section above).
Custom Furniture from Previous Project — If you’ve already chosen furniture in another project that you want to use here, click this option and enter the name of that project.
Custom Furniture — Click this option if you need custom furniture designed, and your project manager will reach out to collect more info and provide a quote.
Design notes
Optionally, add any notes that you think would be helpful for the team as they work on your project. It can be very helpful to provide a list of all the floor plans that you are submitting, and convey any special requests.
Send your design materials to the design team
After ensuring that everything is correct, click the green Send to the design team button.
A processing icon will appear for about 15-45 seconds. When you see “Design Information Submitted” at the top of the Design Info tab, all of your design info is now part of the project. To return to the dashboard, scroll to the top of the page and click the Dashboard button.
If additional information needs to be submitted after sending the form email it to your project manager.